PAJEC is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, case reports, perspectives, editorials, reviews, brief communications and commentaries on emergency, critical care and other relevant public health issues, to disseminate and inform current research, policy and practice in all areas of common interest to scholars in the field. The journal publishes materials relevant to a wide range of disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary studies with main focus being acute care settings including pre-hospital care, facility emergency care and critical care and related public health areas.
Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Pan African Journal of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Full Issue
Case Report
Review Article
PAJEC is a not-for-profit peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes analytical, descriptive and methodological articles, reviews, brief communications and commentaries on emergency, critical care and other relevant public health issues, to disseminate and inform current research, policy and practice in all areas of common interest to scholars in the field. Thus it plays important roles in policy issues and other scientific developments in Ethiopia and other developing nations.
The journal publishes materials relevant to a wide range of disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary studies with main focus being acute care settings including pre-hospital care, facility emergency care and critical care and related public health areas.
PAJEC is managed and run by Ethiopia society of emergency and critical care medicine professionals (ESEP) having strong affiliation with Debre-birhan University. ESEP has wide base of professionals in Ethiopia and supporters abroad. It includes in-country members from emergency and critical care physicians, emergency and critical nurses and ambulance professionals are the main members of ESEP in Ethiopia. Its members and supporters practice diverse areas like adult and pediatric set ups.
The journal leadership and governance is designed to ensure trust, quality, and sustainability. The Editorial Board is composed of professionals from diverse disciplinary fields to oversee the publication processes. The journal also has Editorial Advisors from local as well as wide range of disciplines across the world to ensure the quality and positive image of the journal. Finally, the editorial team, composed of the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Editorial Assistant, Journal Manager and other administrative staff run the routine day to day operation of the journal.
The journal is fully online and open access, with submissions, reviews and publication processes all following the Online Journal System. Authors, reviewers and other interested public health professional are expected to register online to be able to visit the website, to submit their research work for publication, read about the journal and submission procedures, read published articles from our archives, download documents, and so on. We have guidelines for authors and reviewers, as well as a privacy policy in order to submit a manuscript or be invited to review a submission. For statistical analyses on the use of the journal, we use web analytics services such as Google Analytics.
For further information, please refer to journal policy and guidelines.